The residents of Bloomfield give Staten Island a run for their money having the most Guidos per square mile. But alias, the town’s not all gold chains and wife-beater Tees.
After all, William Batchelder Bradbury is buried here. Who you ask? Well, every Sunday School student knows his biggest hit, Jesus Loves Me and folks still walk down the isle over at Brookdale Baptist Church to his other song, Just as I Am.
I wonder what William would think of the state of home Christmas decorations in town nowadays. On the positive side, just driving one mile in town I counted 15 front lawn Nativity scenes. But gone are the plastic-GE-lit manger scenes, replaced by inflatable, blow-up types. At first, I thought I spotted a wayward Macy’s Thanksgiving Day balloon that crash-landed at East Passaic Ave. But the more I drove, the more I spotted.
While I’m not into inflatable Wisemen, Mary or Joseph, at least thieves can’t just pick up baby Jesus and run. It’s all or nothing, and it’s pretty hard to go unnoticed stealing a 15 ft. blow-up manger.
But the inflatables do have one major flaw. They deflate with major temperature changes and strong gusts of wind and just wither away; not very sustaining.
Luke 8:6 Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture.
LOL - our neighborhood is peppered with the huge inflatable Santas, snow globes, snowmen, Christmas merry-go-rounds...but I have NOT seen an inflatable nativity scene! But you're right - it sure would be hard to steal! That's a plus in this day and age of disappearing baby Jesus figures...
NJJ - may you enjoy a most blessed Christmas. I pray peace, good health and much happiness be yours in 2009.
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