Except for the occasional flood, not much ever happened in Saddle Brook since it was inhabited in 1716. All that changed when in late 2004 Gary Brolsma sat at his PC in his bedroom to lip-sinc the first Numa Numa video:
800 million views later, we have:
In addition to one very addicting video, Saddle Brook is home to one of the few Walmarts in North Jersey. This retailer caused quite a stir last Christmas as it offered Christian toys during the holiday season. Well here in Saddle Brook, this Walmart has been quietly selling Jesus candles since, well, forever. For less than a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, the light can shine through the Sacred Heart of Jesus candle and the Jesus Crucifixion candle. For twenty cents less than Jesus, one can pick up the Lady of Guadeloupe.
I wonder if Margaret Mary Alaoque could have ever imagined that the vision of Jesus she saw in 1671 would be retailing for $1.55?
"I could plainly see His heart, pierced and bleeding, yet there were flames, too, coming from it and a crown of thorns around it. He told me to behold His heart which so loved humanity. Then He seemed to take my very heart from me and place it there in His heart. In return He gave me back part of His flaming heart."
Beautiful words, really. I would have never thought to literally paint the exact picture and put it on a candle and sell it a Walmart but hey.
HA! Can you believe that my Sweet Hubby and I had never seen that Numa Numa video?? We laughed and laughed!! So thanks for enlightening us...but what exactly does it mean?! Wow - Sacred Heart of Jesus candles at Wally World, huh? As a former Catholic, I find that unsettling in some vague, indefinable way!
Cool Blog - Keep up the good work.
Hey!, they used to be 88 cents!
I've never HEARD of that Numa Numa video. But this seems like as good a place as any to say, thanks for your comments at my site, and, as for Paul Robeson, my father had on old 78 rpm called "Songs of Free Men" from 1943 that I discovered when I was about ten. Paul Robeson, for me, is THE All-American hero: football player, lawyer, stage and screen star, master of every kind of music, civil rights and international freedom advocate, what didn't he do?
I love walmart, but Jesus aint on the cross! They need to claim those candles out and order updated ones! lol I did some training at the Saddlebrook store. Nice store...
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