The leaders of Paterson originally hired Pierre L'Enfant to design the city. City officials rejected his plans so L’Enfant took those blueprints to Washington, DC. The rest is history.
Entering Paterson on Grand St, you are greeted by Jesus. "Vengan a mi los que van cansados, pesadas cargas, y yo los aliviare," the billboard reads. It is reassuring that Jesus is here in Paterson, along with the gangs. The Ruler of all Nature is here amidst the rulers of the streets.
Drive a bit further into the city and you will find the intersection of "Straight & Narrow," literally. At this intersection is Jesus, in infant form. This small inner city intersection may not appear to have any significance to the outsider but this is where you will find, "Straight & Narrow, Inc." S&N, founded in 1954, is the oldest community-based organization of its kind in the United States.
This place serves 6,000 people per year providing assistance for substance abusers, people with HIV/AIDS, those requiring intervention for driving while intoxicated, and children in need of day care. Baby Jesus is watching over all 6,000.
Matthew 7: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."