Red Bank, NJ is home to film maker Kevin Smith’s Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash (store). This downtown fixture has become its own icon unto itself as it houses its own Jesus icon: The Buddy Christ.
While followers of The Way make pilgrimages to holy sites around the globe, the T-shirt and sandal crowd trek in from around the nation pay homage at Silent Bob's Secret Stash to catch a glimpse of The Buddy Christ (and occasionally Kevin Smith behind the register).

-This turns my stomach.This is an abomination from the pit of hell.
-Without a doubt, the most disrespectful, disgusting thing I've ever seen. Degrading the Lord Jesus Christ like this is Positively monstrous!!!
-This is the result of creating false idols and teaching a false doctrine that Jesus is an "easy fix" and just wants you to do well and be blessed materially, emotionally, and financially.
-May this "Christ" go quickly to the Graveyard of Relevance and may he never be resurrected.
But one person may have gotten it right:
-Just wanted to mention: "Buddy Christ" is a from a film called Dogma (Kevin Smith). The point that Smith was making when he introduced "Buddy Christ" is "Don't try and change religion to be 'relevant' with today's times - you'll look ridiculous.
-Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Christ Buddy photo: roderick A.